Walborg celebration is a tradition that is celebrated in Sweden on April 30 every year. It is a holiday that marks the transition from winter to spring and has its roots in pre-Christian customs.

Walpurgis celebrations have several different elements, but one of the most famous is lighting big fires in the evening. These are called May bonfires or Walborg fair fires and symbolize light and warmth. The May bonfires are also supposed to scare away evil spirits and witches who were considered to be particularly active during this night. Many people gather around the fires to socialize, sing songs and enjoy the arrival of spring.

Another common feature of Walborg celebrations is listening to choral singing. This is especially popular with students who often have their own choirs that perform spring carols at various locations in the cities.

Walpurgis celebrations can also involve participating in various activities that have to do with spring. For example, you can plant flowers, clean the garden, go for a bike ride or just enjoy the sun and nature. Walpurgis celebration is a holiday that celebrates life and renewal and that gives a sense of community and belonging.