Sällevadsån valley valley nature reserve

Sällevadsån small trail turned scaled
The nature reserve of the Alkär
pelvis scaled

In the valley of the Sällevadsån, some of Sweden's most endangered animal and plant species live. Sällevadsån is part of Emån's water system.

The rapid flow of water means that there is open water all year round. Along the stretches of water are otters, trout and kingfishers.

In the river is one of northern Europe's richest populations of the rare river pearl mussel. The river is surrounded by coniferous and deciduous forest. In the magical forest there are plenty of old, coarse trees. They are important plant sites for mosses, lichens and fungi.



5/5 a year ago

Very beautiful and untouched nature 🤗 Timeless, must have looked the same for hundreds of years - an "ideal little Sweden" 🍀

4/5 5 years ago

Mighty nature reserve 👍. Reminiscent of Tiveden National Park on a smaller scale. Big enough for middle-aged strollers. Recommended 😊

5/5 9 months ago

Beautiful trails and hiking trails to follow. You can stay here for a long time.

5/5 4 years ago

Natural hiking trail with impressive granite cliffs embedded in moss-covered rocks and old wood. You should be fit and wear sturdy shoes to cross the small, narrow trail. Wildly romantic 😉

5/5 3 years ago

Beautiful reserve, easy to park and get to.

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