The exhibition Rätt & Slätt

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The nature reserve of the Alkär
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The exhibition Rätt & Slätt, feel the dust from thousands of marching boots on the moor. Look around and feel how big the plain was. An exhibition about life on Hultsfreds Slätt.

Imagine the smell of the tent or lodge on a hot summer day. Hear the laughter from the officer's punching porch.

What would Hultsfred have been today without the plain?

As early as 1685, part of the Kalmar regiment mustered at the plain. Between the years 1796-1918 the regiment had its permanent meeting place on the plain. The military role of Hultsfred's plain ended in 1918. The regiment was then moved to Eksjö. A stone was erected in memory of the meetings at Hultsfred's plain. An information trail tells about the buildings and life on the plain.

Rätt & Slätt - an exhibition about Hultsfreds Slätt and its jacks was inaugurated in 1999.

The exhibition is created by Peter Hingström, Mats Persson, Åsa Thorsson. It is produced by Hultsfreds Hembygdsförening and Kultur & Fritid in collaboration with Virserums Konsthall.

The exhibition shows the social life and the military's importance for Hultsfred's growth. Maybe it can be a reflection, maybe a discussion.



5/5 4 years ago

Such an interesting story!

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